Betekenis van:
fall over

to fall over
  • neervallen; ergens heen of in gooien; omvallen; omgooien
  • fall forward and down



to fall over
  • omdonderen
  • fall forward and down



to fall over
  • omduikelen
  • fall forward and down



to fall over
  • omdonderen
  • fall forward and down




fall over


  1. Another step, and you'll fall over the cliff.
  2. A single step, and you will fall over the cliff.
  3. I could fall in love with you all over again.
  4. You must be careful that she doesn't fall over the cliff.
  5. In the fall, covers are put over the fans in trains.
  6. I saw a little boy fall over a few steps ahead.
  7. Britain's currency crisis has turned into a political one over government failure to stop the pound from going into free-fall.
  8. In order to cross from one sentence to the other, Tom was stretching out his arm. Mary clinged firmly on to it and jumped over the dot, avoiding to fall in the space.
  9. Employment has grown in the course of 2008, but is expected to fall over 2009.
  10. It will thus fall in a linear fashion over the period under examination.
  11. The workers concerned fall within the category of disadvantaged workers by being over 50 years old.
  12. Another reason was that the fall in profits in absolute terms, over the period considered was not as pronounced as the fall in turnover.
  13. Where an amendment is withdrawn by its author, it shall fall unless immediately taken over by another Member.
  14. Total earnings from 2001 to 2006 are set to rise by just over [...]* % to [...]*. Total administrative expenditure during the same period should, however, fall by about [...]* %.
  15. The stand and the bed shall be sufficiently stable to prevent accidental tipping over of the suspended bed which could cause the child to fall.